Text font support

when the text has been added, it’s not allowing to change the font type.

It shows ‘none’ once the menu is openend.
Also the custom font file (.ttf) can not be dragged on to the Attribute Editor as well.

Is there any specific type font format that incari supports?

Hi and welcome to our forum.
Incari supports TTF and OTF fonts. Fonts need to be added to the Asset Manager.
Next you need to go to the Project Settings and select Fonts from the list.
In the Fonts Manager you are able to add as much Fonts as you want. They will then appear in your text element.
Please also check: https://docs.incari.com/incari-studio/modules/project-settings/fonts
also this: https://docs.incari.com/incari-studio/objects-and-types/scene-objects/label
and this: Text - Incari Studio

Hope this help
Let us know :slight_smile: